The Struggle Continues Every Day

Every day you wake up you feel tired of life and start asking yourself if this is your destiny? You start lookin for anserws but you don´t find any anserws. So what do you do now? Continue lookin or give up? You have too make a choice right now even if you not ready for it! It doesen´t matter what you do for preparing yourself for it because you can´t so what is your choice? What choice you make you will lose something but the question is "Is it worth it?" Maybe it is, maybe not, but ho knows what is right and what is wrong? Some people realie on the Law but is the Law good for us always or is it only good for us people sometimes?

Everybody talks about their life and you are standin there with your head down and you have stopped carring about their life, but you can´t say that too them becuase you are already too scared about losing them. So you keep your mouth shut and start wondering if this is really what life have too offer you? Is there something more of life? Can I continue living like this? Can I stop this or is it too late? Is my innerself gone for life? Is my soul still in me or have I lost it too?

You have lost too many things in you life and you´r pain starts too grow bigger and stronger for every day that goes by and you are so confused that you don´t even know ho you are anymore? You are insecure what your identity are anymore so what are you gonna do now? You have feelt this before but you haven´t done anything about it so is it time to do something about it or just let it slip? Is it time too big up and really take controll of your life now or just like always just turn the other cheek and walk away from the pain and problems that you have caused?

Just think about it


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